Blizzard representative has confirmed information that this company has made meeting with Microsoft toward the development of new-generation Xbox.

At the developers conference game world (GDC) taking place in San Francisco, Blizzard has confirmed the company had discussions with Microsoft and affirmed that the process of developing the next generation console Xbox 360 is being proceed as planned.

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According to Blizzard with many other studios, console developers are too focused on entertainment features of the console, but forget the main function is for playing our game.They integrate more and more entertainment features to the multimedia console, from movies, television to play games, music and a range of other things, while improvements in the game is not much

In addition to the game requires many operations such as World of Warcraft by Blizzard has not appeared on console systems because of hardware engines are not enough households to support the no keyboard or mouse!

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Therefore, according to Blizzard, Microsoft and other console developers should focus research and develop appropriate solutions to the Xbox so that future generations can be played any game genre without difficulty .